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We help Entrepreneurs who are just starting out on their Business Journey, those who's Business Journey has come to a Crossroad, and those who need help cleaning up their bookkeeping. We Strive to help push your business forward and free up your time throughout the day so you can focus on the things that matter most to you!

Free Guide to...

Upgrade your productivity!

Are you ready to get off that hamster wheel you call life?


If you are feeling overwhelmed with your business goals, where to even get started, or are unsure what you need to do for your businesses finances, We can help you figure out what you may be looking for.


Now technical terms, we are Business Coaches, but our community is about learning together. We can help a business see past themselves and the areas the business overlooks, create accountability and a new mindset, provide honest feedback, suggest actions and steps to take to push forward, provide a sense of relief and repurpose, encourage and assist in Business Owners taking new steps or getting outside their comfort zone, help develop Leadership skills, create new strategies, help create new systems within the business, introduce new softwares, reduce unnecessary steps in processes, and set a new path forward. 


A Bookkeeper will help your business by providing you with easy-to-read Financial Reports, categorize your transactions correctly to make sure you have accounted for all transactions relating to your business, track the changes to your Income and Expenses over time, track other items such as; loans, equity, equipment, and other Assets or Liabilities your business may incur, free up your time  having to search what you need to do or how a transaction should be entered, and allows you to send clean prepared Financials to your Bank, Investors, or your Tax Accountant who doesn't have to spend hours digging through receipts or editing the information you gave them.


Whether you want to:

- Get started on your new goals and dreams working for yourself

-Wondering where to start

- Overcoming your self-doubts in the goals you want to achieve

- Wanting your business accounting to be started or cleaned up


Our approach is to help guide you with all the overwhelming things that will be coming your way as a new business owner or just needing guidance to get unstuck. The other thing is you get both of us when it comes to either Coaching and Bookkeeping!


Hi, We are Cliff and Sydnee,

When it comes to business, we get excited to learn more and how we can help others. Sydnee studied Equine Business Management and Small Business Management. While Cliff studied Accounting and Small Business Management.


We started all of this during the Pandemic learning that anyone can lose their job at any moment and wanted to help others feel more secure by owning their own business or having it on the side.



Are you ready to take the plunge...


Your Time and attention is super valuable to us. When requesting a complimentary clarity call it will ask you a few questions so we can be better prepared for your call!


Coming Soon...


Do you ever feel awkward just having one-on-one sessions with a coach. I know I always struggled with this, so I have created a 30 day course that has steps in growing your business. Keep checking back with us to be notified when it is up!

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What Clients Say

"Sydnee has always  been a smart and motivated woman. Those qualities have lead her to starting her own business. I have no doubt it will  successful and she will be able to assist you. She has recently finished a redesign on my business website and I am just thrilled with how it turned out. Sydnee had great ideas for my website redesign. I appreciate her professionalism, her design ideas, and the timely manner she completed the project. I look forward to continuing our work together as we have a maintenance agreement for the next year. Thanks so much Sydnee! You did a great job and I will recommend you to others"
Kathy -Facebook
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