
Balancing Work and Homelife

Finding the balance between work and home life can be difficult but it is important to find the balance. Standards of working within a business are constantly changing and with the events of 2020, we all learned to adapt to these changes as we saw fit, this did take a lot of time and energy to find new solutions to the problems that started popping up. Anymore, it seems like one full-time job or justle isn't enough but with multiple gigs, it keeps the books for the household afloat.

Now I can attest to struggling with keeping the two balanced. Personally while growing up in school, I felt that there is no life at home. In school, we went all day to a location to learn and do work. Then we went home to finish the homework. After school, I felt programmed to work during the day then bring it home and work as well, even on weekends too, making burnout very easy.

Then came the business, which created more difficulties in juggling the task of having a balanced life. Work is tiring, it can create poor health (such as poor choices of food due to being in a hurry to complete a task or doing so much you don't have time to create a meal and have to eat quick meals or fast food) and little to no time with friends or family.

If you share a room as your office with another, try coming up with a schedule to know when the other has a meeting. Create goals and list the steps into manageable tasks with due dates.

Take time within your day to stretch. This will help with getting your mind cleared and could create a boost of motivation. Or after a long day, just going on a walk could help get your mind off of work. Somewhere in your schedule, find something that is enjoyable to you. Don’t forget to add free time into your schedule to reduce burnout.


  1. Produce a morning routine that involves little to no work-related tasks

  2. Avoid your phone before bed

  3. Attempt to keep the workplace and house life separate

  4. Produce a schedule so everyone knows your office hours

  5. Take days off from work

  6. Find time to eat and stretch

  7. Be aware of what your body is telling you

  8. Keep in mind to take a deep breath now and then

  9. Meal prep and prepare items the night before to get ahead of the day

In Conclusion…

There is no excellent work-life balance, however, creating one for yourself that is your own and will assist you in the long run. Recognize what you need and what your body is telling you.

Manage your time, be willing to surrender things or tasks to have time to relax. Create a space and a dedicated time to work at. Attempt to only keep it in that designated location while the other areas are for enjoyment. For example, if you have got an area that's a workplace, strive to close the door after you have finished.

Thank you for joining the Equidae Family!

In the comments below, let us know how you balance your home and work life.
