
How to make an Impact with Innovating Management Ideas?

Updated: Nov 15, 2021

Leading a group of people can go two ways, up or down (with a few gray areas along the way). Being a leader means dedication and the ability to lead in all circumstances. If you don't like the business and what it is about, being in a leadership role won’t be good for you, the employees, and the business. Get to know the business and be honest with yourself to figure out what you want or looking for in your career.

A leader is a person who shows others the organization and operations of a task at hand. -Oxford Languages

The values of a leader will define how business operations are run. There are all different types of traits that shape a leader; examples include; tangible wealth, discovery, truth, rationality, competition, harmony, selflessness, philanthropy, and many more.

Leaders tend to gravitate towards others that have the same or similar values as them. It is always recommended to study other skills, develop and identify your strengths, and know what your ambitions and those you lead are to successfully manage people's situations effectively.

When a leader is hiring or looking for an investor, they need to clearly define the core values they have, the expectations, and the direction they see the business is going. Having everyone on the same page, upfront gives clarity of what is to be expected, making the business run better right away.

The organization's development is closely intertwined with the culture that is produced. The leaders' values help develop the organization's culture, creating the level of expectations that are required of anyone in the organization.

The hardest thing a leader will face is bringing in an external source into the business to help out and have that external source assimilate their values to the organization’s to keep the same organizational values internally within the business to maintain the same standards they have created if it is desired to keep the same culture.

With what we experienced in the year 2020, rapid changes have been experienced and regulations have been made suddenly, creating new challenges for all businesses. A business that strategically planned and had a flexible culture could make changes quicker than those that didn't.

These changes would have created a bottleneck in business operations that have completely closed down businesses, as we have seen. Those who are flexible quickly changed their procedures and could cope and address the current situations to mitigate any negative effects.

Scheduling your days, weeks, years, etcetera, can be overwhelming especially when the days are different each day.

Think of how your personal life is being run.

What do you do? What do you believe in? What are your external influences? How do you view life? What do you do daily? What is your goal each year? How much effort do you put into your daily tasks? Are you a person that is always late or on time and why? Calculate how much TV you watch in a week, is it over 40 hours?

Now compile all your answers together. That is the organization and culture you have created in your own home.

The video below will get you started in the right direction to start planning your day…

Creating a culture for your business or someone else's business is no easy task. There is a lot to consider and even more to look at if you are the right person to bring to the table for the business’s desired culture

When developing your value model (creation of the culture), ask yourself a series of questions, and learn from your mistakes and realize that every new problem you are taking head-on with new experiences. Your culture is built over time. Remember you can’t build a house without a foundation.

An example would be; I would like my business values to be respectful, meet timely expectations, and a great experience for my employees within my business, now how do I let others know. Keep in mind what you are looking for within your business as this can trickle down to how your customers experience your business.

Knowing when it's time to hire an additional leader. Yes, this can be a scary moment but know what the business needs to be better than the competitors.

Look for someone who can strengthen your weaknesses, this involves you knowing your weaknesses and accepting them. When you compliment your and your leader's weaknesses with each other’s strengths, you can only make your business better.

Finding someone with similar core values will make it easy for them to assimilate and strengthen your business's culture, as well.

For your business decide on the growth you are looking for and how much work is expected to develop. Plan out how you will grow but be ready for anything to come up and have a procedure in place for that situation, that is how your culture becomes more defined.

Gather information on what your target audience is looking for out of your business and find a way to add it to your values when you decide to grow and expand.

In Conclusion...

Create an innovative atmosphere that prepares with flexibility and that reflects your desired values to create the culture you are imagining for your business. Revisit the way your business culture helps you stay organized for success.

Thank you for joining the Equidae Family here at Benner Stride!

What are other Innovating Management Ideas you would recommend? Leave a comment below with what you recommend.
