
Traveling with an Equine

Updated: Dec 14, 2020

Preparing for a road trip can be time-consuming, especially if you are towing an equine. You are not only packing for yourself but for a thousand-pound animal. Creating a list does help with remembering those pesky forgetful items, like a charger or extra batteries for cordless clippers. Tell others if you are traveling alone in case of an emergency, such as a flat tire without a spare. Planning for the before, during, and after parts of the trip will help everyone to be a little more informed on the exact plans.


Before traveling, there are some things to think about and what to look out for. One is making sure all who are traveling (meaning people and animals) are healthy and have no illnesses showing. If you find signs of illness, assess the situation, and make a decision on what is best for all parties. Second, have a prepared traveling medical kit.

There are multiple items and tools that should be included but have it slightly different and more condensed than the "barn" medical kit since traveling will create entirely different situations. Third, use a checklist on all the things that you might need (examples; paperwork, fly spray, and much more). Being prepared before leaving will be more helpful and cheaper than running to the store looking for an item that was accidentally left at the barn.


Time to hit the road! If you are traveling for more than twelve hours, it is recommended to take a break for everyone for at least a day (if applicable). People aren't the only ones who would like to stretch their legs. Having something as easy as a hay net will keep the equine interested and busy during the trip. The hay net will make them eat slower and keep their mind on the food, rather than being destructive with the stuff around them. Make sure anything that you need to hang or tie is secured to the point that the equine will not pull it off as entertainment. Things can change your plans fairly quickly so be prepared for what may happen during your trip.


You made it to the destination! First thing is to look over your equine. See if there are any cuts, bruises, or health changes in your equine. While having your medical kit ready to go, it makes this process fairly quick and painless with minor injuries. They most likely would like to stretch their legs, so walking them around would be beneficial, this also helps with desensitizing them to the new area. Offer food and water to the equine, check to see the skin elasticity for dehydration, and have electro lights ready if the equine is not drinking. Have a great adventure on all your safe travels! Remember to tell others that you made it safely if traveling alone.

Thank you for joining the Equidae Family! Check out our medical blog to get an idea of what should be in a medical kit (link attached above)! Add comments below on other traveling ideas with an equine!
