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Business Ethics and Ethical Conflicts within a Business

Every business goes through ethics, culture, and conflicts evolving the business' identity. Ethics is a sense of right and wrong when facing tough conflicts with individuals who have clashed on belief systems. To get an idea what may be included in an ethical conflict are illegal activities, toxic workplace, culture, technology, property, or expectations. Knowing the plans for the business's future will prepare you for all the work that will be expected.

Let us break down an example of each ethical conflict:

- Illegal Activities: An act committed in violation of law conviction by a court is punishment

- Toxic Workplace: A workplace that is unpleasant to be in

- Culture: Encompasses the behavior in society or business

- Technology: Machinery and equipment that assist the business (an example is AI)

- Property: Item(s) belonging to someone

- Expectations: The belief that should or will be achieved

Business leadership sets the tone and leads to establishing an ethical culture. Be open to changes in the ethical norms such as living wages, no harming others, or respect for others. Unethical conduct can hurt your business financially and tarnish the business's image, creating a reason for consumers to choose your competition over you. Know what business ethics you want to create within your culture lead by example, and hold firm on your standards as time goes on. A few examples to put into your business ethics are integrity, trustworthiness, loyalty, equality, respect, lawfulness, responsibility, accountability, and many others.

Let us break down each business ethics examples that you can create within your business:

- Integrity: Being honest and having strong moral principles

- Trustworthiness: Being honest or truthful

- Loyalty: A strong feeling of support

- Equality: A specific society that is equal

- Respect: Admiring deeply as a result of abilities, qualities, or achievements

- Lawfulness: Being in line with the law

- Responsibility: A duty to deal with something or having control

- Accountability: Obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions

These few examples are to give you an idea of what you want within your business. Write out what you will expect within your business for ethics, culture, and resulting conflicts. Remember the golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated. Thank you for joining the Equidae Family and look forward to seeing you on other platforms such as YouTube or Instagram.

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