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Create Motivation in Our Routines

Humans are full of emotions and can take us on a roller coaster; we are full of motivation in the first minute and overwhelm it in the next minute.

How does the motivation come back?

According to my own experience, running yourself to the end of the line without interruption means that the amount of work completed is minimal; for example, things such as work, chores, relationships, and more.

Take, for instance, cereal without milk for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If lucky maybe taking the cereal bowl to the kitchen (adulting life 101). If I took time for myself now and then, I could make nutritious meals, complete chores, and finish a successful workday.

As Alan Weiss said, "If you can't start your day in a good mood, find out why, and remove the cause if possible."

This can be difficult, and it is one of the times when it is easier said than done.

Story Time! In college I worked from 5 pm - 1 am (11:30 pm on lucky days), then went to school from 7 am- 3 pm. This excludes morning/night time routine, commuting, chores, homework, etc. Now, picture the hot mess, zombie, and cranky ______ (fill in the blank) I was. I'm a person who also likes sleeping for at least eight hours, so on weekends when I didn't have school or work, I would sleep for eleven plus hours. Once I created time for myself that meant giving up the job and playing catch-up on schoolwork, my mood started to improve and I could take an hour for myself before bed.

Think about figuring out when you require change within your routine:

  1. Identify your end goal and the steps you plan on taking to reach the goal.

    1. Know where you want to get and realize it may take time, but keep moving forward with taking time for yourself now and then.

  2. Did I drink enough water?

    1. I am no doctor but if I don't drink enough water, my muscles get tight and start cramping, causing my consideration to focus on the pain, not my objective.

  3. What isn't working in my routine or what is my daily routine?

    1. Changing it up might make a world of difference.

  4. Do I need to create a schedule so I know I'll take time for myself?

    1. Take at least 30 minutes doing something take makes you happy.

  5. What kind of food am I eating?

    1. Eating cereal all day is a dream, but doesn't bring all the nutrition your body may be looking for.

Or am I exhausted;

In Conclusion…

Routine or exhaustion is a normal part of life, so it is up to you to handle it to get rid of it.. Don't give up on yourself and make your dreams become reality.

Thank you for joining the Equidae Family here at Benner Stride!

Let us know in the comments below, let us know how you have dealt with the beginning stages of being in a rut or have burnout.

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