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  • Writer's pictureBennerStride

Does my Equine need a Routine???

Is it worth having a routine? Does my equine really need a routine? It is highly recommended to create a routine that fits you and your equine, then it becomes second nature for everyone.

Having a routine that is well executed tends to lower the chance of having health issues or causing damage to their home/building. This helps the overall mental health of the equine knowing what is expected causing less stress and anxiety.

Whether you are in charge of creating a routine or someone else is, everyone should be on the same page about why it scheduled it a certain way or why it had to change.

Example Schedule for Personal At-Home Equine with Job;

6:30 am - Feed/Water/Grain

4:30 pm - Feed/Water/Grain

- Check over equine

5 pm - Clean Stall/Run/Turnout

Example Schedule for a Facility;

7 am - Feed/Water/Gain

8 am - Clean Stall/Run/Turnout

11 am - Check over Equine

12 pm - Clean Facility

4 pm - Feed/Water/Grain

If you board at a facility, learn what their schedule is.

Now those routines do change with the season, the equine's age, and any additional items for the care of an equine.

Checklist for Daily Chores;

Food and Concentrates (grain)

Shelter and Blanket (depending on the season)

Visual Check over (cuts, scrapes, etc.)

Clean Stall/Run/Turnout

Checklist for Weekly Chores;

Check Inventory (bedding, food, grain, etc.)

Clean Water Buckets

Clean Walls and Ground

Checklist for every 6 to 8 Weeks;

Have the farrier out for the equines hooves

Check over the fencing for any damage that needs repairs

If you have mats, clean and even them out within the stall(s)

Checklist every Few Months;

Do a deworming (now this can vary depending on the type of product purchased)

Update any record information about the equine

Get prepared for the upcoming season (mud, rain, wind, snow)

Checklist Yearly;

Have a vet check the overall health of the equine (teeth, immunizations, etc.)

Update your routine for the equine (write it out in case you have to leave)

Check over your inventory, price compare, and quality compare

Creating a list can be a helpful tool to make sure that everything gets done whether it be for a business or personal life and can be a lifesaver when trying to remember everything that you may want to accomplish daily, weekly, or monthly.

In Conclusion...

Shout out to a YouTube subscriber that wanted more information on the 'Creating a Routine for your Equine' topic.

Having a routine that fits everyone's needs can take trial and error, but once you find that efficient and productive routine, it all becomes second nature from there.

Thank you for joining the Equidae Family, because of you, this is all possible!

In the comments below, what is your schedule for your equine?

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