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  • Writer's pictureBennerStride

Customer Impact of Brand Image

Marketing your brand can be time-consuming and tend to lead to the drawing board often. Your brand image, colors, wording, etc. (the list goes on) needs to be well thought out that follows the service or product you are providing for customers. When the customer becomes loyal, it means they chose your product over someone else's similar product or service. There are a number of businesses that all compete with one another for a customer's loyalty such as; Starbucks vs. City Brew, John Deere vs. Kubota, Logan vs. Double D Trailers, the list can go on for days. They all market themselves differently to bring in their target demographics.

Businesses spent time and effort on their brand to market it to the world on why you should choose them over the other businesses. Then the people start talking (word of mouth) about the product or services to the next person and is pasted from one person to another. As more numbers start to come in, it is time to analyze what is working and what is not. A business starts preparing how to network with their potential clients, what worked or didn't. It gives a direction of what their audience may be looking for.

As an owner, remember the old saying of 'the customer is always right.' Even if they are wrong, let them think that they are right (gray area moment; if it is life or death then step in. Also, if there is a possibility of unabiding by the law. I'm sure there are more case scenarios that fall into the gray area) and listen to what your customer is saying. Ultimately, they are carrying your income. Don't be influenced to the point that the reason you started the business is completely different for the worse. Grow to be better and stay proud of how far you have come. Continue to grow every day to be better than the day before.

Listen to what the customer has to say, fix the problem then and there while finding a process to avoid the same issue in the future. Thank you for joining the Equidae Family along this journey!

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