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Differences Between Paid Search and Organic Search for your Business

Like any business, deciding on what is best for your and your business is always time-consuming and aggravating.

The ultimate factor in deciding between an organic or paid search for your business boils down to timing and costs. Factor how much time and money you are willing to put into the rankings on searches.

Just like every decision, there are pros and cons to each one. Weigh out what is best for you and your business, at each stage of your business and continuously reevaluate.

Let's start weighing out the pros and cons…

... and many more!

The main difference between the two is the cost.

With most businesses, the organic search is for site visibility or rankings. While paid searches have top results when searching (it commonly has a little ad sign next to the website name at the top of the page).

Evaluating your SEO…

Before looking into either of these options, keep in mind your SEO plans.

Well, what is SEO you ask? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the process of improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website. It commonly focuses on unpaid traffic over paid traffic. Is that organic vs paid?

When a customer first learns about your business on the web (Google is very popular as a search engine), they look for certain things on your website.

- Accessibility

Is it so slow that it takes a minute to load your website?

- Valuable Content

Does your site have information that is worth reading?

- Keywords

Is your website easy to find when searching what your business does?

- Sharing

Is your information worth sharing with other people and easy to share?

- Information

If someone reads the title, will they know what it is about?

- Stand Out

Are you different from others/competitors?

Know your brand and your business goals when it comes to your SEO, it is like your boat on the internet for your website.

Questions to ask yourself...

- What are my plans for the business?

- How much am I willing to spend?

- How quickly do I want my business to grow?

- What kind of time and energy can be delegated to this project?

Everyone has their viewpoints and experiences that they have learned from.

Think back to the school years of home

work, create homework to research for yourself, and

decide what is best for the business from those results. It may take time and patience, but once you learn, your experiences will make it easier and quicker to complete the tasks you have created for yourself.

In Conclusion…

Ultimately, you are the only one that can decide what is best for your business (and bank account). Ask yourself questions, read, listen to podcasts, and get other points of view to help make a more educated decision. They both have their perks and pitfalls but they are great tools to grow your SEO.

Thank you for joining the Equidae Family here at Benner Stride!

Do you prefer Paid or Organic Searches? Leave a comment below with what you recommend.

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