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  • Writer's pictureBennerStride

Organizing Records? Why Keep Records? Here are a few ideas...

There is so much that goes into running a business, especially efficiently. When animals are involved in the mix, it is even more hectic. With all their paperwork needed at the ready, the lists and records can become daunting and extensive with all the papers adding up. Below are a few ways to keep it organized as best as possible, but I suggest keeping a paper copy, a digital copy on the computer, and a thumb drive copy of every important record (sometimes items grow legs and run away), stored in case a need for that arises. Here are a few ideas on how to better organize and why records should be kept.

Six ways to keep it organized:

  1. Color Coordinate

  2. Label the File

  3. Date it

  4. Numbering System

  5. Keep a planner to stay organized where papers may be

  6. Use sticky notes or index tabs to know exactly where the papers might be within the binder or folder

Seven reasons to keep records:

  1. Monitoring Progress or Health

  2. Sources of Income

  3. Tax Time

  4. Audit(s)

  5. Warranty on Machinery and Equipment

  6. Tracking Information

  7. Liability Purposes

It can be difficult storing and remembering everything but when it comes time to have to pull a certain file out, you already know where to look. Things like filing cabinets or boxes can be useful when trying to hold onto years worth of info, these can be tagged and labeled to help when you need to pull them out in the future. Thank you for joining the Equidae Family!

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