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  • Writer's pictureBennerStride

Preparing for Natural Disasters in the Equine Industry

Most people don't want unexpected things to happen, especially when it involves animals. With equine animals though, planning for the unexpected is important. Take every factor into play and then take action to prevent the worst for all different scenarios. Below are 5 tips to keep up to date with and don't be afraid to edit your plans at any time to fit your needs and wants.

  1. Develop an All-Hazards Disaster Plans - Get to know your location and what is common vs not. Have a plan A and plan B for everything that may come your way (examples: fire, wind, tornado, snow, virus, etc.).

  2. Take Action - Don't wait for something to happen, take action before it happens. Take time to create a procedure and let others know of the plan.

  3. Make sure all Equine can Trailer - If you have to move any equine quickly, having all equine be able to load and unload safely will be important to practice in case of an emergency.

  4. Routine Vet Care - Keep your equine(s) records up-to-date and a clean bill of health. This will let you know, and others, the norm vs abnormal for the equine.

  5. Evaluate location - Be aware of where and what environment you are taking your equine(s). Take a look at your own property and look at your surroundings. Know your neighbors and if they would be willing to lend a helping hand if it ever comes to it.

This is always a thought topic but is very important to implement into your best practice. Be ready for anything that may come your way to keep everyone safe. Consider having a printed copy that is up-to-date at all times, easily accessible, and let others know about it. Quote from Miguel de Cervantes' "To be prepared is half the victory." Go seize the day with your planning! Thank you for joining the Equidae Family.

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