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  • Writer's pictureBennerStride

Ready to Start an Equine Facility?

So, you just bought land to start your own facility. That is a major step in every equestrian's dream. Now, there are many steps to follow such as operating, finances, processes, etc. You have both people and animals that you are liable for, but for many equestrians, this is a dream come true.

Let's talk about your days. You are going to have ups and downs like any business owner. Remember the reason you got into this business, go back, and reflect on all the positives. Create a support group or connect with fellow equestrian business owners to learn, grow, and hold each other accountable.

Keep your life as organized as possible. Now, some days when you look at my desk, you wouldn't think I listen to my own advice, once you start planning and discussing your business with others, it is nice having all your notes (particularly when talking with your lawyer and accountant in one place). Being organized can be a lifesaver/time saver if done right.

10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting;

  1. Are you mentally and physically ready?

  2. Why are you starting this business?

  3. Who do you plan on having on your team?

  4. Do you have a design in mind and staying up to code?

  5. Have you thought about all the disasters that could happen?

  6. What is your daily schedule?

  7. How are you going to keep the paperwork organized?

  8. Do you have a support system?

  9. How are you planning to keep yourself, others, and animals safe on your property?

  10. Who are you going to get supplies from, profit from, experience from, employees from, etc.?

Weigh out all your options and ask yourself these questions, plus more all the time. Don't be afraid to ask others for their input and knowledge as well (there is always something new to learn). Thank you for joining the Equidae Family! We appreciate all your support on this adventure.

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