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  • Writer's pictureBennerStride

What to Discuss at Business Gatherings

Texting and email use is becoming the move popular way our society communicates with each other anymore. With messaging tools like; Skype and teams rising, we tend to forget things to discuss during one on one or group gatherings whether that be through threw internet or face to face. Before jumping on a call or Zoom meeting with someone, consider some of these topics to include in your discussion.

1. Ongoing Performance Improvement

Stay up to date with responsibilities delegated and how to improve. Check-ins on how it is going and if help is needed.

2. Year-End Performance

Know how things went and goals that were achieved.

3. Goal Setting

Knowing where you want to go with a business and what you need to do to achieve that.

4. Feedback and Recognition

Know how your employees feel and how to help them do their job easier.

5. Growth and Development

Know where you see your business going in the future and the steps you plan on taking to get there. Growth and development do not just have one path, don't be afraid to try new growth.

6. Compensations, Benefits, and Resources

Plans on helping employees.

7. Work Environment

Create an atmosphere.

8. Motivation and Productivity

Know what drives your employees.

9. Organization

Keeping information up to date to remember what the gathering was about and including action plans. Keep this in a place that you will remember your notes.

10. Building Relationships

Get to know one another/ how to be better.

11. Work-Life Balance

Keep in mind work isn't everything in others' lives.

These are just a few ideas on how meetings can be more productive. Thank you for joining the Equidae Family, and check us out on other Social Media areas.

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