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Have Writers Block? Here are a few Tips to Overcome Writers Block

Welcome to Benner Strides' Blog! Do you ever lose sight of things? Does your focus ever go somewhere else other than the task at hand? I completely understand and admit to being guilty of this, I think "Oh, instead of writing this blog, I could do the dishes or fold the laundry." Then the writer's block becomes an issue after that, making the task even harder. A few tips to help stay focused on your business while life continues around you:

Tip One - Leave the Television and your Phone off

Now, this is easier said than done. Who doesn't want to check on their stock prices or watch that TV show that was recommended? Oh, and you cannot forget that post on Facebook you saw that you wanted to share but is always gone when you actually wait to find it.

Think about the task at hand, make sure all technology is turned off or at the opposite end of the house. Spend at least an hour of your time on the task you need to do, if not even longer. After that time is up, take a five-minute break doing something else, whether that be jumping jacks or eating a piece of cake. If you feel that you are at a good place on the task you were working on, spend time with your family (this includes the fur babies). This allows you to enjoy loved ones, clear your mind and lets you think about what the next step is in improving your business or even your personal life.

Tip Two - Have a Plan

What is the goal you are looking to achieve? Whether you have a list of goals, a daily goal, or checklists (both are recommended having), think of the steps or process that it will take to achieve and set a time period on how and when to achieve those goals. A daily goal could be to finish a newsletter to your clients for the month ahead. For myself, a few steps I take to achieve this goal is to look up information on my topics, record information in bullet points, open a word document and start drafting, put it in a template, take a five-minute break, reread my draft out loud, and fix all errors. When it comes time to send the newsletters out, I double-check that no more errors popped up and send it off.

Tip Three - Don't Forget why you Started your Business

Pat yourself on the back! You started a business and never forget why you started it! Just as life happens, issues arise in businesses as well. Focus on how you want to achieve the goals you have set and we go back to Tip One on how to achieve it. We all start a business or a career for a reason and just remind yourself in the tough times; why you pursued your goals and finds ways to hold yourself accountable to make your goals happen. Having your goals wrote up and close to you can help you remember what you are striving for.

Things always come up and we have to adjust. These are a few tips that can help you and are meant to be adjusted to fit you and your business needs. Continue your goal or goals at hand and achieve them with a determined mindset, a plan, and your dream while enjoying the holidays. Happy Easter from the Equidae family!

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