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  • Writer's pictureBennerStride

Picking a Name for a Business

Choosing a name is one of the most difficult but most important tasks to do, whether that is for a business or a new addition to the family. Now, this article will focus on the business name, not a new addition. Having the name picked out right away is not always the best. Make sure you ponder the idea of the name, ask questions, ask other people's opinions on the name and how it sounds, and ask yourself why you like it.

Moving forward, one shall give special thought to the name you choose. Create some names, ask yourself questions (such as why and how does this fits into my industry), ask others questions, and have fun with it! Have passion and keep moving forward.

When thinking of a name, make sure you ask yourself multiple questions; what is your business? What is your ideal client? Does it make sense? Is it easy to pronounce? Will people remember it? The questions can go on and on. Make sure it fits you, the company, the agenda, and the clientele you will serve as best as possible. Having a clear and concise, but not overly generic name will help your business stand out more than an everyday generic name. 'The Paint Company' is not as exciting as 'Colorful Murals'. The 'Colorful Murals' gives a visual of a splash of color in a feng shui environment.

Story Time! So... my other half and his family have been in the restaurant industry for a substantial part of their lives, they could probably tell you the inside and out of working in the food industry. They created a business plan for making their own restaurant one day. Now comes the name time, he thought for a week plus, and their favorite was Benner Than Them All (if it helps, read it 10 times fast). Now mind you, he was in high school during this time. This was quite the spin on words but they are still at the drawing board with this idea is still going through names. Even though it has been many years, the business idea juices are still flowing and it is a family goal.

Now to how Benner Stride came to be. Personally, choosing the name took many tries on what would be focused on moving forward (aka the slogan) and incorporate a fun spin-off word. The first word, Benner, was chosen because it incorporates the last name of family and Benner as a spin-off word to 'Better'. The second word, I wanted to incorporate a word that means going forward, one step in front of the other and used in the equine industry.

While thinking of your name for the business, remember to be researching the name you like, while moving forward. Knowing what business structure you are looking at will help you research, for example, think about a Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, or corporation model. Once you pick your business structure, do research on the name to see if it is already in use. Check with different websites, such as your federal government (example; trademarks), the state secretary, and on google. Those are just a few different cites to look at. Talking to an accountant and an attorney will help you go further in-depth with looking at your business name and/or additional information.

If you want or need assistance in working on the name of your business or creating a business for yourself, contact Benner Stride and we can help create and collaborate on ideas. Welcome to the Equidae Family!

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